LNCT Virtual Workshop: Financing and Managing Immunization Programs in Decentralized Contexts

April 20, 2021 - April 22, 2021

From 20-22 April, LNCT will be hosting a virtual workshop with six countries – Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Vietnam – on Financing and Managing Immunization Programs in Decentralized Contexts. The workshop will help participants understand the implications of decentralization for immunization coverage and equity for both routine immunization and COVID-19/emergency response.  It will also offer action-oriented and problem-solving support for specific decentralization-challenges identified by country participants.

Learning questions:

  • How does decentralization affect the financing and implementation of immunization programs and what is the impact on the program’s coverage and equity goals?
  • What is the impact of decentralization on emergency response, such as in the case of COVID vaccine roll out?
  • What are common financial and programmatic challenges and opportunities for immunization programs in decentralized LNCT countries?
  • What strategies have countries successfully used to overcome or mitigate common decentralization-related challenges?

Check out our resource library to find out more information or to access materials from this workshop.

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