Member Countries

The Linked Immunisation Action Network is made up of 19 middle-income countries that have transitioned from Gavi support (former Gavis) and 27 middle-income countries that have never been eligible for Gavi support (never Gavis). Member country engagement is driven by a group of complementary in-country stakeholders, such as decision makers and technical staff from National Expanded Programmes on Immunisation (EPI), National Immunisation Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs), Ministries of Health, Ministries of Finance and other relevant government ministries and departments, as well as local partners providing support to the national immunisation programme. Learn more about the country teams and check out country dashboards with key immunisation indicators by clicking any of the country profiles below!

Country Teams

Select a country to learn about the team member involved in this program.

  • Former Gavi
  • Never Gavi