What We Do
The Linked Immunisation Action Network uses a collaborative peer-to-peer learning approach that brings together country practitioners, technical experts, and immunisation partners with common challenges for a facilitated process that allows them to systematically share their experiences and tap into the implementation knowledge that their peers in other countries may have.
The network supports country practitioners and their partners by:

Through innovative, highly participatory, and action-oriented collaborative learning approaches, we support member countries to identify promising strategies and good practices to mitigate and prevent backsliding in vaccine coverage, drive sustainable introduction of key missing vaccines, and promote increased immunisation equity and sustainability. These approaches include in-person and virtual learning exchanges, learning circles, in-person and virtual study tours, country institutional twinning, direct country-to-country linkages, and collaborative problem-solving sessions.
By working with and through local and regional partners, we ensure uptake of the knowledge, experiences, and good practices gained through network engagements into transformational change in country immunisation programmes. This collaborative learning process increases country ownership and sustainability of implemented good practices and proven approaches. To ensure learnings are continuously shared throughout the network and to provide a virtual space for engagement, we maintain a website with recordings of engagements, interviews with immunisation practitioners, briefs and blogs synthesizing learnings, and a curated library of resources from our network of global partners.
“The ability to share best practices and learn from other successful programs is one of the main advantages of Linked support. A successful immunisation programme in one country, for example, can share its experience and knowledge with another country struggling with vaccine coverage rates. This can aid in the identification of successful strategies and approaches and overcome barriers to improve the vaccination coverage.”
– Member from Bhutan
Linked Theory of Change (ToC)
Linked developed a theory of change to ensure a clear results and measurement framework to monitor both implementation and impact against these objectives of translating knowledge into practice. Learn about the network’s planned activities, along with the outcomes and eventual impact we expect to see, by exploring the theory of change below. You may also view the theory of change as a PDF.