News & Events


36th International Papillomavirus Conference

11/12/2024 - 11/15/2024

Edinburgh, UK

Join researchers, clinicians and other health professionals at the 36th International Papillomavirus Conference: “Equitable, Evidence-Based Approaches to HPV Disease”. Conference topics include: Prevention of HPV infection and their associated diseases and cancers especially cervical cancer The molecular biology, immunology and epidemiology of PVs in understanding pathogenesis. Expanding scientific knowledge to benefit the whole community Learn more … Read More


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Results 191 - 200 of 231

CALL FOR INPUTS: “Draft Zero” of Immunization Agenda 2030

“Draft Zero” of the Immunization Agenda 2030, is aimed at setting a new vision and strategy for vaccines and immunization for the next decade (2021-2030). The draft document is a step along the way in co-creating the future of immunization together – one that reflects the collective inputs of many people, coming from different organizations including from governments, communities, … Read More

Updated Analyses on Immunization Delivery Costs now Available at

In May 2018, ThinkWell released findings from a systematic review of the evidence base on immunization delivery costs (IDC) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The review aimed to answer a question frequently asked by global and country immunization stakeholders: What are the unit costs of vaccine delivery across different LMICs and through a variety … Read More

Continuing Pneumococcal Vaccination After Gavi Transition in Kenya at Full Price is Cost-effective and Could Save Thousands of Lives

This news release was originally published on EurekAlert. Below is an excerpt from the news release. Co-led by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Program, the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Impact Study estimated that continuing the vaccine beyond 2022 would prevent – in the first ten years – more than … Read More

New Spatial Study Helps Identify Where to Improve Vaccine Delivery in Africa

While many African nations have made substantial progress in vaccinating children against life-threatening diseases, wide discrepancies remain within countries, according to a new scientific study conducted by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington. The spatial and temporal modelling study, Mapping diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccine coverage in Africa, 2000-2016: a spatial and temporal modelling … Read More

Reverse Global Vaccine Dissent

Heidi Larson, Director of the Vaccine Confidence Project in the Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and William Schulz, affiliated researcher at the Vaccine Confidence Project, wrote this recent editorial on how vaccine hesitancy and refusal has become such a major risk in recent times. Below is an … Read More

LNCT Member Newsletter March 2019

LNCT Updates LNCT Steering Committee Holds Inaugural Meeting LNCT’s steering committee held its inaugural meeting this February with representation from the Nigeria and Georgia country teams, as well as from Gavi, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, WHO, and UNICEF.  The launch of the steering committee marks an important moment in the evolution of the network and … Read More

Measles Outbreaks in an Interconnected World

Orin Levine, Director of Vaccine Delivery at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, shared why he believes in vaccination in an early interview with The Optimist. He recently wrote a new piece for CBS on how resurgent measles outbreaks are underscoring the importance of vaccines. Please find an excerpt below, which originally appeared in February’s … Read More