Webinar: COVID-19 Vaccination: Costing for Scale-up

July 21, 2021

The WHO’s Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB) and WHO Health Emergency programme (WHE) are partnering with Project ECHO of the University of New Mexico (UNM), UNICEF, and TechNet-21 to host a series of 15 sessions that align with countries’ immediate and medium-term needs related to Costing, Budgeting, Financing and Delivery of COVID-19 Vaccines.

The objectives of this webinar series are to optimize the use of existing resources and technical assistance through sharing of guidance, tools, resources, learnings, and best practices to support costing, budgeting, and financing of C19 immunization programs by:
  1. providing technical assistance on the use of C19 tools, guidance, resources, and trainings on costing, budgeting and financing, including the use of the updated CVIC tool version 2.2;
  2. sharing best practices in a community of practice on key challenges, benefits, and use of costing and budgeting tools such as the CVIC 2.2 as well as strategies to maintain routine immunization services.

This session, taking place on  Wednesday 21 July, will be focused on COVID-19 Vaccination: Costing for Scale-up. Interpretation into French and Spanish will be available.

Register here.

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