The VPPN invites you join them on Wednesday, February 27th from 9am-10am Copenhagen time (CET) for the Vaccine Price webinar.
This is an excellent opportunity to be updated on the latest vaccine prices available to Gavi and non-Gavi countries, discuss vaccine price factors, and exchange knowledge on how countries can obtain fair prices.
Presenters & Panelists:
- Georgia: Vladimer Getia, Department Head, National Centre for Disease Control and Public Health
- UNICEF SD: Heather Deehan, Chief, Vaccine Centre
- Gavi: Juliette Puret, Senior Programme Manager, Immunization Financing and Sustainability
- PATH’s Center for Vaccine Innovation and Access: Frederic Debellut, Health Economist, Policy, Access and Introduction
- Introduction/Objectives (3 min)
- Update on Price by UNICEF SD & Gavi (10-15 min)
- Questions/comments session (10 min)
- Georgia presentation (15 min)
- Panel/participants discussion (10-15 min)
- Wrap-up & Close (2 min)
Bring your questions and experiences and take advantage of the opportunity to learn and share knowledge on this thematic discussion topic.
- To mark your calendar and receive a reminder about the webinar, click “Accept” (Outlook) or “Yes” (Google calendar).
- To directly join the webinar, click on the link below on February 27th at 9am Copenhagen time (CET):
- Join the Price webinar on February 27th, 9am Copenhagen time via Skype Meeting
- To access resources or post any questions you may have about Vaccine Prices before the webinar, please login to the VPPN platform and click on the link to the Price theme. There you will see the e-discussion space and also find background material and links to related tools, practical examples, etc.