LNCT Launch Meeting

May 4, 2017 - May 5, 2017

As many countries pursue universal health coverage in the context of rising incomes and plateauing or declining donor assistance, maintaining and expanding effective coverage of essential immunization services will require careful planning for sustainability within macro-fiscal constraints. The launch of this peer learning platform brings together practitioners from 12 countries in various stages of Gavi transition from multiple regions of the world. The platform aims to form a community for learning and sharing of experiences around specific Gavi transition-related issues that exist within broader health system and UHC reform processes.

The first in a series of meetings for this initiative, the launch meeting will set the foundation for an community of country practitioners and development partners, introduce an approach to country-to-country peer learning for Gavi transition-related issues, and explore in more depth specific challenges that can be taken forward for focused engagement among platform members.

The specific objectives of the meeting are to:

  1. Develop a community of engagement around specific Gavi transition-related issues for participating country practitioners and development partners
  2. Introduce a peer learning approach to addressing transition challenges
  3. Explore in depth which priority Gavi transition challenges might be amenable to peer learning
  4. Build consensus on next steps for topics, engagement, and the structure of the platform

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