Integration of Routine Immunisation Services Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

April 26, 2022

Integration is a priority that existed prior to the COVID-19 pandemic; however, the pandemic has highlighted creative solutions employed at a programmatic level. Beyond ad-hoc support, programmes are trialing an integrated approach through public health teams using their vast expertise to deliver a package of services in an efficient and acceptable manner by also taking a life course approach. Integrated services offer an opportunity to streamline efforts and reach more people with age appropriate services throughout their lifetime. Integrated services help bridge the gap between preventive & curative interventions to improve health & reach more zero dose communities. This webinar aims to provide a platform for experts from a range of services and countries to share learnings and experiences of implementing an integrated approach, some of the challenges of developing this infrastructure and discuss innovative solutions on a policy and programmatic level that national and global partners could consider.

Register here.

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