Papillomavirus Rapid Interface for Modelling and Economics (PRIME) Tool

The spreadsheet-based PRIME tool is intended for in-country analysts (not necessarily economists) who are advising national governments on HPV vaccine introduction.

PRIME is designed to give users an idea of:

    • The magnitude of the burden of cervical cancer
    • The impact of introducing HPV vaccination for girls prior to sexual debut
    • Healthcare costs incurred as a result of cervical cancer treatment
    • Costs associated with vaccination
    • Long-term savings which may result from a vaccination program

The tool is intended for use by non-modeller users such as country program managers and planners and decision makers in low- and middle income countries. It was created by scientists at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in London and Université Laval in Quebec in conjunction with the World Health Organization in Geneva. It has been appraised by WHO’s expert committee on modelling, IVIR-AC. It gives reliable, validated estimates for impact and cost-effectiveness of HPV vaccination of adolescent girls prior to sexual debut.

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