Webinar: Using PATH’s Vaccine Cost Calculators to Inform Immunization Decision-making

January 21, 2021

PATH, in collaboration with TechNet-21, the East African Community (EAC) Immunization Group, and the Vaccine Procurement Practitioners Network (VPPN), are delighted to invite you to join a webinar on using PATH’s Vaccine Cost Calculators to inform immunization decision-making

Webinar title: Using PATH’s Vaccine Cost Calculators to inform immunization decision-making

Date and Time: Thursday, 21 January from 09:00-10:00 CET

Description: For country-level policymakers, the opportunity to introduce a new vaccine comes with many considerations. Is the vaccine needed? What are the benefits? Is there enough capacity in the cold chain system? Often most important—what will it cost, and can our country afford it? Adding complexity to complexity, new vaccine products and new formulations of existing vaccines continue to be developed and commercialized, which can make decisions more daunting when a country is choosing which vaccine product to introduce or switch to. PATH’s new Vaccine Cost Calculators can help, providing an easy way for country-level decision-makers to assess and compare the costs of certain vaccination programs over a period of 10 years with each vaccine product available in the global market. These Excel-based tools are currently available in English, French, Russian, and Spanish for rotavirus vaccines and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines. A calculator for human papillomavirus vaccines is coming in 2021, with potentially more to follow. PATH’s Frédéric Debellut will share the rationale and process behind the development of these tools and provide a demonstration of how to actually use the tools, allowing lots of time for questions and comments from webinar participants.

REGISTRATION: Please note you must register for this webinar. Register here: https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_WEh9J_9qRTqjPQHuoJ4ESg

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