Updated guidance to support countries in the development of National Immunization Strategies (NIS) is now available in English, French and Russian. The Guidance is accompanied by a new and simplified costing approach to support the NIS process, NIS.COST https://immunizationeconomics.org/unicef-niscost, as well as guidance on Annual Operational Planning (AOPs).
This first webinar in a series will provide an introduction to the new approach and the available guidance. The series will continue with sessions in early 2022 focusing on specific steps in the NIS development process such as the costing approach and situation analysis.
Panelists: WHO HQ NIS Support Team, UNICEF NIS.COST team and WHO Regional Offices.
Nov 25th: English session: https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_SABRKosXTM2tWhiKMo2zeA