Sri Lanka’s national immunization program is cited globally and regionally as a successful model. The Expanded Immunization Program (EPI) maintains high coverage (98-100%) of all vaccines it offers, and a low incidence of vaccine-preventable diseases covered by the program.
Since 2016, the immunization program has also been self-funded. On November 19th, speakers will reflect on Sri Lanka’s experience transitioning from Gavi support and share a current perspective on challenges related to sustainability and maintaining the gains made in disease control over the past 30 years.
The speakers will present on how Sri Lanka:
- Secured domestic financing, and what other countries can learn from this process
- Fostered local capacity and leadership even prior to Gavi support
- Managed the transition to post-Gavi procurement and potential challenges
- Makes decisions on new vaccine introduction
Date: November 19, 2020
Time: 5:00 AM EST / 2:00 PM Tbilisi / 3:30 PM Sri Lanka / 5:00 PM Hanoi
Details: This session will be hosted in English, but simultaneous interpretation will be provided live on Zoom in French, Portuguese, and Russian, as needed. If you require interpretation, please confirm which language when you register. We recommend you register by November 13th to ensure interpretation can be arranged in advance.
- Dr Nihal Abeysinghe, Deputy Director, Institute for Research and Development
- Dr Sudath Peiris, Technical Officer, World Health Organization
- Other speakers TBD