Learning exchange webinar: Targeted assessments for identifying zero-dose and under-immunised children

November 15, 2023

MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity is pleased to invite you to a webinar on November 15, 2023, at 8:00 am ET (13:00 pm GMT) to discuss targeted assessments for identifying zero-dose and under-immunised children.

Reducing the number of zero-dose and under-immunised children requires accurate, specific data on these populations, and managers and implementers of immunisation programmes are often challenged by the availability of reliable data for informed decision making. Targeted assessments involve data collection at the household or individual level among a specific population of interest to measure vaccination coverage and understand reasons for lack of vaccination, vaccination timeliness, dropouts, and missed opportunities. This learning exchange will focus on the use of some of these methods, including LQAS (lot quality assurance sampling) and cluster surveys, drawing from experiential knowledge from colleagues in two countries using these techniques, as well as reflections from WHO on how these approaches can be used as part of “The Big Catchup.” There will be time for questions, discussion, and exchange of your experiences.

REGISTRATION LINK: https://jsi.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ab76N61pTKWGREHuoSRpmg#/registration

French interpretation will be provided.

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