Coordinating Multi-sectoral, Multi-level Pandemic Responses Final Learning Event

February 8, 2022

On February 8, 2022, from 10:30 am to 12 pm GMT (5:30 am to 7 am EST), the Joint Learning Network (JLN) and the Accelerator will host a final webinar to:  

  • Articulate key actions countries and partners will need to take to improve coordination of the COVID-19 response as we enter the third year of the global pandemic 
  • Highlight the key lessons and promising practices identified through the Collaborative’s work over the past year 
  • Reflect on the impact and value of the Collaborative to improve national responses to pandemics   

The webinar will include a moderated dialogue on the best practices for an effective national response to pandemics in low and middle-income countries.  

Register here

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