Advancing Local Solutions and Innovations for Lasting Impact: Applying Strategies for COVID-19 Vaccination to Routine Immunisation

November 30, 2023

Wilson Center’s Maternal Health Initiative, in collaboration with MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity project are holding an event sharing best practices and innovations used to achieve high equitable coverage of COVID-19 vaccination and reach hard-to-reach priority populations, and how they could be applied to routine immunization.

When: Wednesday, December 6th, 2023 from 9:30 – 11:30 AM ET

Where: Virtual or in-person at the Woodrow Wilson Center

The event will focus on key themes such as community engagement to promote vaccine confidence and improve accessibility, strategies for reaching priority populations, partnerships between government and NGOs, strengthening data availability and use for decision-making, and adapting supply chain management to meet the needs of new vaccines. Speakers will discuss opportunities for applying these strategies to routine immunization, and what is needed to facilitate that transition.

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